Thursday, March 16, 2006

New version is deployed: several usability features

Today a new version 2.2.1 of Internet Polyglot has been deployed. The new features are supposed to improve user's experience in various areas of the program - more interlinking, better gaming. The List of new features is following:

1. News from
2. "Back to Lesson List" button on Lesson Sharing page
3. Ad description in addition to "ad message" - so that it is easier to exchange links with other sites
4. Search in lesson list on the author name
5. Translation to Russian the rest of the Home page
6. Finish localization for Lesson List, Languages List
7. Adjusting the line size for matching and guessing games for long entries
8. "Back to lesson" is added on game pages
9. "Play Matching Game" is added to guessing game and vice versa
10. "Cancel" button is replaced by "Back to Lesson List" link on game pages

Please enjoy your stay at Internet Polyglot!

(As usual if you see any problems - shout out loud on the forum or email me)

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