Sunday, May 07, 2006

Promote your language lessons 3. Forums

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Another great way to place many links pointing to your lessons is active participation in forums. Let me give you an example of what I do. Go to this link: one of the posts of InternetPolyglot on Unilang - you can see my post on the Unilang forum and if you scroll down to the end of my post you will see the links pointing to the lessons on InternetPolyglot:

You can do same thing! You can register in Unilang forum and become an active participant in its topics - you can participate in translations, language discussions and so on. The more active you are the more links to you lessons you'll place on this forum. Don't forget though to set these links in your profile.

But Unilang is not the only forum that talks about languages. You can find on the internet many forums where you could participate. Again, for example if you are creator of Spanish lessons you can participate in the following forums:

  1. Forums in English that talk about learning Spanish
  2. Forums in Spanish that talk about learning English, French, Russian, any other language
You might also have your own favorite forum where you go regularly. It can be not necessarily a language forum - it can be a forum about cooking, games, a local community forum. Simply add a link to you lessons to your signature and keep posting your thoughts - this is going to be enough.

There must be a word of caution though:
  1. Do not start blatantly advertising you lessons on the forums like this "Hey guys, look at these lessons - they are awesome!". Most forum moderators will kick you out of the forum without hesitation.
  2. Before you place the link to your lessons in your signature check if other people have links in their signatures. Simply look through several topics and see if other people have links in their signatures. If you see none it's better not try to be the first :-) you may well get kicked out by the moderator too.
As the bottom line for this method of promoting you language lessons: Forums seem to be the most natural and fun way of doing it - not only you attract more traffic to you lessons, you also have fun socializing with other people, expressing your thoughts.

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