Monday, May 29, 2006

Internet Polyglot translated to Romanian

Monik and Mihai have completed another great task - they translated the whole site to Romanian. Now people visiting the site from Romania will be able to use it for their advantage even if they don't know English. That's a great news!

Mihai, Monik, great work!


Anonymous said...

yeah, indead, monik did a great job. she always does...

Anonymous said...

u're right, she did a great job.
i was suposed 2 help her, but she did it be herself...

Michael Gavry said...

Hey radu, I saw your website
(my statistics showed me that a couple of clicks came from it). I see you are a cool flash designer so please be welcomed to participate in the project. We need more cool, fun, dynamic games based on the current language database. Please shoot me an email if this is something interesting for you.