Friday, April 21, 2006

We're getting the word out

About two days ago, I was looking around for some Arthur C. Clarke stories in the library, and I was still wearing my backpack, which has this sticker on the front that says So this guy comes up to me and taps me on the shoulder, and says,
"Hey, you know about Internet Polyglot, too?"
"Well... yeah, I'm actually one of the co-founders of the site!" I replied, surprised by the question.
He said, "Oh my gosh! That is so cool! I went there, and studied some of the latin lessons just a few days ago!"
"Well, thanks for coming, I hope you liked it."

Apparently, Internet Polyglot gets around without me having to tell people about it. I hope this will start to happen more and more often as our site grows and flourishes. If anyone gets such an experience, please, post it on the forums of Internet Polyglot, linked:




jungle said...

very nice site.


Anonymous said...

That's awesome zhukant! Must give a good feeling.